Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing 1.5 - the confluence of free time and functioning technology

Last week, I had been thinkging about Thing 2 - Library 2.0. Lots of fresh ideas, I only needed to sit down and see what would float to the top of my conscousness. Except - my lawn HAD to be mowed. I ran home during my 'free' hour, and mowed the lawn. It was so happy for the attention.
Second opportunity, I sat down in my favorite coffee shop spot, and tried to connect. And tried to connect. I hadn't noticed in previous visits the 'name' of the particluar network I had been using. I just connected right up. But this time, i jiggled all my settings, went through all my options and properties. After 30 minutes, I asked the other laptop user in the room, and she told me the system is down. No known fix (and even worse, I hadn't brought anything else to read!!!).
So, after dinking again this time, I finally am in, but don't have those golden words at the tip of my fingers. Just to say that I was searching some concept at work last week, looking for a graphic or promotional document that would explain a product to one of my clients, and I found, in a basic google search a posting from the SLA blog last month (actually, this month, for a few more hours). There was my answer, from a librarian blog, and I wasn't even looking for that!
It seems that Library2.0 may already be here, if I am able to find it without even looking. More next time on Library 2.0 specifically.

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